Are You Living The Dream?

Me and Fliss had a few days away in Ludlow not long ago, the room we booked had a terrace and a hot tub, it was great to get away and just chill out.

You see, everyone needs to get away every now and then. No matter how much you enjoy the things you do on a daily basis, you need to make sure you’re getting enough ‘down time’ too – it is so important for your own wellbeing and also for that of your business.

I’ve had some of my most successful and inspired ideas while I’ve been away relaxing.

When was the last time you had a change of scenery and took some time out? When was the last time you really felt as though you were ‘living the dream’? I really hope that, like me, you’ve built your business around doing what you love – but even if you jump out of bed every morning and skip into the office full of excitement about what the day ahead holds in store for you.

You still need to take a few days out here and there just to enjoy life and relax.

By taking time out you’re also reminding yourself of why you’re in business! What’s the point if you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labour? Right?There’s a question that goes something like; “Do you work to live, or do you live to work?” and although I feel it actually comes across as quite negative. I still think it’s an interesting one to ask yourself because it can be interpreted differently depending on your perception of it.

I absolutely love coaching because of the impact I see it have on people life’s, you’d have to prise my business out of my cold dead fingers, but ultimately I do it to provide my family with everything they need.

So if you haven’t booked your next holiday or break yet, make it a priority! For the sake of your business!

By Alan Adams